A licensed insurance broker can provide you with no-obligation, unbiased advice on coverage and insurer options. Click here for an interactive map to find the broker nearest you.
When selecting a policy to best suit your needs, there are many factors to consider, such as:
Can you afford a lawsuit?
Whether you are being sued for an accident for which you were at-fault, or you are pursuing compensation from an underinsured or uninsured driver in court, legal battles can be long, emotionally draining, and — above all else — expensive. Not having the right insurance coverage can leave you financially crippled. If you're also injured, it's a double blow.
Do you have a family that depends on you?
Guaranteeing that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of an accident is a top priority for many Saskatchewan consumers. A package policy can offer a variety of protections to ensure your family has the financial resources they need no matter what.
Do you travel outside Saskatchewan?
Even if it's a short family holiday out to the mountains or a quick shopping trip south of the border, if you drive outside the province, there is a greater risk of being sued or getting into an accident with an underinsured or uninsured driver, which makes additional coverage — offered through a package policy — especially important.
Do you provide rides to friends, clients, co-workers, or teammates?
Remember that liability limits are per accident, not per person. It's easy to see how quickly the minimum basic plate coverage gets used up and how much risk you take when you kindly agree to be the team, carpool, or designated driver. A package policy transfers that risk to an insurance company, allowing you to focus on doing the right thing by helping without worry.
Is your vehicle essential for work or daily life?
It’s important to discuss how you use your vehicle with your insurance broker, so your policy covers any liability from business use and you have coverage for replacement transportation.
How easily can you absorb unexpected costs?
A recent MNP study suggested half of Saskatchewan residents are $200 away from insolvency at month-end. And a stolen or damaged vehicle can have a major impact on your wallet. Without a package policy, you could be on the hook for the full, $700 deductible, plus hundreds or even thousands of dollars to rent a replacement vehicle. Your ability to cover these expenses without notice will help determine the types of options you choose to invest in.
On an annual basis, most package policies cost less than your daily cup of coffee. And not Starbucks, either — we're talking Keurig.
I already have 'no fault' insurance, so why do I need extra coverage?
Jenna Dusyk, Past Chair, Emerging Brokers Council, Insurance Brokers Association of Saskatchewan
Insurance brokers are licensed, highly trained, and independent experts who work for you — the consumer — and not any one insurance company. That means the advice you receive will be unbiased and tailored to your specific needs.
Insurance brokers are also the primary distributor of SGI vehicle registration and licensing services in Saskatchewan. They know Saskatchewan's auto insurance system better than anyone, because they work in it each and every day. They can explain to you the limitations of basic plate insurance and the optional coverages available.